5 small edible Native Fruits you can grow in pots

There’s no better feeling than growing and picking home grown fruits we have put so much effort into growing. However, I think there is something even more satisfying to growing native edibles. Australia is home to thousands of unique native species and many are edible. Many are small and compact in size, require minimal maintenance and can be grown in pots.

I am growing all of the plants listed below in pots in my courtyard and they are all doing really well. So why not try growing these 5 small edible Australian fruits in pots, you won’t regret it. Another benefit to all of the plants listed is they are quite easy to find in either your local nursery, online and quite often from your closest Bunnings.

Midgen berries

austromyrtus dulcis

A blueberry sized berry with a slight ginger, cinnamon like taste. Midgen berries are known for being one of the tastiest bush foods. These plants are a small shrub that do really well in pots. Best grown in full sun in slightly acidic and moist but not wet soil, this plant can grow to about 2 metres tall but can be kept much smaller with regular pruning once fruiting has finished. The star white flowers which appear in summer are also great for attracting important pollinators to the garden.



A native succulent found along the coast of Australia, this plant has beautiful flowers and produces a small fruit with a taste and texture similar to Kiwi, with a slight salty taste. Pigface is really great for growing in containers and can be used for more than just it's delicious fruit. It's leaves can be broken and the gel found on the inside can be used to soothe burns and bites. The leaves also happen to be edible and they make for an excellent substitute to green beans, having a similar texture. You can grow this versatile native in a larger pot in full sun and let it ramble and drape over the edge of the pot. Pigface is easy to take cuttings from and move around into multiple positions in the garden.


kunzea pomifera

Muntries is a small shrubby, woody, groundcover that only grows to about 40 cm tall, perfect for growing in pots. Muntries bear clusters of berries, starting off green and ripening to a reddish purple colour. These berries are delicious to eat straight from the shrub, with a taste reminiscent of spicy apple. The berries can also be used to make jam. Muntries grows well in full sun or dappled shade, just keep the soil moist but not wet.

Apple Berry


Apple Berry is a native climber with beautiful flowers and small sweet fruits. There are several species of apple berry you can purchase and they have slightly different tastes. Billardiera Scandens, for example, has a flavour described as being similar to kiwi fruit or stewed apples. Billardiera Cymosa (which is what I am growing), on the other hand, has more of a sweet aniseed flavour. The apple berry plant can grow to about 2 metres tall and 3 metres wide but can be pruned to suit smaller spaces. Because this plant likes to climb it benefits from a trellis. I have trained mine to grow up a trellis covering my drainpipe.

Sweet apple berry, billardiera cymosa

Native Mulberry

pipturus argenteus

The native mulberry is not at all related to the common mulberry but is actually a non-stinging nettle which produce clear white, almost translucent berries, similar in appearance to strawberries with the seeds on the outside. This tree naturally grows to between 3m and 8m tall in south eastern Queensland rainforests but can be grown and pruned to be the size of a small tree, or even a shrub if grown in a pot. To grow this native mulberry in a pot, make sure it is filled with a well draining potting mix. While the fruit is really tiny (see photo below) it is really sweet and delicious.

So there you have it, five native fruits you can grow in pots at home. There is something satisfying and extra special about growing natives, particularly edible natives. The plants listed above are all relatively easy to find and will continue to produce for many years to come. The best part is all the different fruits are delicious and quite easy to grow.

If you’re interested in purchasing any of the above there are many places you can do so. Here are a few to check out:


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