5 Things You Must Do Before Planting Something New

You've just bought some new seed packets and some new tomato seedlings from your local nursery and you're really keen to get them in the ground. But before you rush back home and place them in the ground there are some things that need to be done to increase your rate of success. Here are 5 things you must do before planting something new.

1. Plan and prepare

It's really important to plan your garden and prepare for what you're going to be planting. All plants have different requirements and it is vital to get these right before you start.In this early stage, you must choose an appropriate location. Some plants require full sun, others need part shade.You will also need to get your soil ready. Dig your compost and any well-rotted cow or horse manure into your garden beds a few weeks before you intend to start planting.Next up you need to choose the right crops. There are many varieties of the same foods but they are all different in the sizes they grow to, the colours, the climate they grow in, the type of soil and how long they take to produce edible fruits or vegetables.

2. Write down the date

Writing down the date you sowed the seed or seedling is really important. For annual crops like peas knowing when they were planted will help you to determine when they will be finished their lifecycles. It's also great to see how much a plant has grown in a certain period of time.

3. Write down the name

Probably even more important than writing the date sown is the name of the crop you're planting. It's easy to forget what you have planted and is easy to mix similar plants up. For example, you might be growing four different species of tomatoes and if you don't write the name of the variety down you might mix them all up or completely forget what the name was all together.Write the name on the side of the pots, use paddle pop sticks or wooden pegs, paint on rocks, or leave plant labels attached. You can be really creative with the labels. I have forgotten to write the names down numerous times and have regretted it later on when I couldn't remember which variety is which, don't be like me.

4. Take photos

If planting seedlings or small trees, don't forget to take a photo of them. This is a great way to see how the plant was when you first got them and really fun to look back on in a few weeks, months and years afterwards. Continue to take photos of them as they grow and mature.

5. Water them in well

Whenever you plant something new, whether it is a seed, seedling, tree, cutting or bulb, always make sure you water them. Plants love nothing more than a drink when they are placed into a new environment. Consider mixing the water with some seaweed solution as this can help to reduce transplant shock and stress.Thanks for reading, I hope this article 5 Things You Must Do When Planting Something New helps you out. Comment below and let me know what I am missing.


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