How To Choose The Right Seeds For Your Garden

When it comes to growing food from seed something that may be overlooked, particularly by those who are just beginning is choosing the right type of seeds. Purchasing seeds might seem like an easy task but there are a few things to consider first. Here are my tips on how to choose the right seeds for your garden so you can be successful at growing food.

1. Pick seeds suited to your climate

seed packet, eggplant little fingers, eggplant seeds, mr fothergillsProbably the most important thing to consider is your climate. Trying to grow plants that need really cold winters probably won't do well if you don't get those colder temperatures. The same will go for crops who need hot weather, or those that don't require a lot of water, or for those that need a lot. Choosing to buy from local seed companies will help with this because they only sell seeds that do well in the local climate.

How to find out your climate?

Most commercially sold seed packets will have a small map of Australia on the back which will show you the climate and when the best time to plant is. There are about eight different climates across Australia from high humidity and warm winters to alpine. Attached here is a great resource provided by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). The ABCB uses the climates to determine heating and cooling requirements needed for building however us gardeners can also use it.

2. Consider your space

Space is another thing you need to take into account when choosing your seeds. If you have a large 1,000mΒ² block then you will have more options, but for those who have small yards like me or small balconies and are growing everything in pots and containers, you will have to be pickier. Some plants need more room to sprawl, others grow really tall, while others stay small and compact.

Can they be grown in pots and containers?

seed paclets, mr fothergills, cucumber seeds, eggplant seeds, tomato seedsChoosing the right variety is important especially for those who are growing in pots and containers like me. Tomatoes for example come in all different shapes and sizes, some are perfect for pots, while others are more suited to growing in the ground. When it comes to choosing seeds choose varieties that suit your space. Most seed packets will tell you on the back their prefered growing conditions including whether they can tolerate a pot or not.

3. What do you like to eat?

It should go without saying but you should buy seeds for the foods you like. Of course, you should experiment and grow new things but if you hate the taste of broccoli then you should probably just give it a miss.

4. What do you plan on doing with the produce?

You should also think about what the end goal is. Are you interested in preserving your foods, cooking specific foods, creating tea or using it as a homegrown mulch? Your goals should dictate the types of seeds and how many you buy. If you want to make a strawberry jam, then you're probably going to need a lot of strawberry seeds.

5. Consider the seasons

Seed companies sell their seeds all year round but you should consider the seasons and when you're going to be sowing them before purchasing. Are you looking to stock up on winter crops for the upcoming winter, are you ready to plant summer crops right now, or has the perfect sowing season just finished so you will have to wait a few months before you can plant them?

How long is your season?

The length of your season will depend on where you live and should be taken into consideration when purchasing seeds. You may have a short tomato season so you might want to start your seeds early indoors or in a greenhouse. Starting your seeds indoors early will allow you to get them into the ground at the perfect time with a massive headstart and essentially extend your season.

How to choose the right seeds for your garden

Choosing the right seeds for your garden is important because there are many things that must be taken into account. I hope this has helped you in knowing how to choose the right seeds for your garden. Let me know your tips, I would love to hear them. Until next time, keep on sowing those seeds.


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