The Benefits Of Growing Produce In Pots

At this current point in time, I am living with my partner at her parent's house while we save for our own home. While their backyard is quite large it just isn't possible to grow fruits and veg in-ground. Everything I grow is in pots and containers. Growing food this way is possible for pretty much everyone. In this article, I want to talk about some of the benefits of growing produce in pots and why you should.

The benefits of growing produce in pots


When it comes to a potted garden portability is a massive advantage over in-ground or raised bed gardening. You might have the perfect sunny spot during the winter where you can place your tomatoes which need approximately six hours of sunlight a day but that area is paved. When you grow in pots this is no issue. You can move those tomatoes during the change in seasons, or even when it is forecast to be raining heavily or strong winds. Growing in the ground doesn't give you the flexibility to change things up like this. Portability leads on to the next point perfectly.


About 30% of Australians rent and that number is likely to increase. House prices are continuing to skyrocket well out of the reach of many. Renting deters a lot of people from growing food due to the size and nature of paved courtyards and balconies. Even those with backyards may not want to establish permanent in-ground veggie patches because of the uncertainty of how long they will reside there. Some tenants have strict landlords who do not allow them to alter the yard with an in-ground veggie patch. But just like the first point, growing your produce in pots means if you have to move rentals you can take all your plants with you. A potted garden also means you're not ripping up a landlord's precious grass.Whether you rent a 21st-floor apartment with a small balcony, a townhouse with a paved courtyard or a house with a quarter-acre block you can grow all your favourite fruits and vegetables in pots without any fear.

Control the soil conditions

Pepper seedling, repotting, container gardeningProbably the most important and best reason to grow your edibles in pots is that you have complete control over the soil condition. In-ground gardening can come with many difficulties. Your soil might be heavy clay, very rocky, it might be very high in acidity or in some rare cases you could have contaminated soil with something like lead. When you grow in pots you can create or buy fresh compost and know exactly what is in it and garden safely. Some plants like blueberries, for example, need very acidic soil and growing them in pots will allow your blueberry plants to thrive in the conditions they love but also keep them separated from plants that cannot tolerate acidic soil at all.

Control plants from spreading

Growing in pots is also a good idea for plants that tend to spread and become invasive in your garden. Plants like mint can easily spread out of control and can quickly out-compete everything else in your patch. Other favourites like strawberries can produce runners with baby strawberry plants on the ends. These small strawberry plants will develop roots and can in time take over your garden. Potting these types of plants will keep them well-contained and easy to keep under control.

Garden maintenance is lower

Potted gardens also require much less maintenance than traditional ones. Weeds can easily make their way into your in-ground or raised bed garden and can quickly spread. When a weed makes its way into your pots it is easily spotted and pulled out. Larger gardens also require a lot more time and resources.


Growing in pots can be a much cheaper alternative to growing in a raised garden bed. You only require pots, dirt and seeds/seedlings. Decent sized plastic cost less than a dollar each. Pots can be found at most garden stores, nurseries and even hardware stores like Bunnings. I have also found so many pots both small and large just sitting on the side of the road. There aren't any rules as to what you can use as a pot. Get creative with old buckets, plastic tubs, cane baskets, tea and coffee mugs, colanders, tea pots, cooking pots, and many other things. Next up is your growing medium, aka dirt. You can purchase premium compost or potting mix for about $10 each or create your own. Lastly, packets of seeds or small seedlings only cost a few dollars each and can be found at nurseries, department stores like Big W and cheap stores like the Reject Shop.If you would like to read more articles about growing food then check out these other articles I have written.

The Benefits of Growing Produce in Pots

Growing food in pots is worth it and you can produce some excellent results. Don't let your lack of backyard space deter you from growing produce. It is possible to grow food in pots and there are many advantages over in-ground gardening. If you have any more benefits that I should know about I would love to hear them. I hope you have enjoyed reading this article about the benefits of growing produce in pots. Until next time good luck with your potted edibles.


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